Werewolf Private Investigator Hiding from a Nosey Journalist
In the Lair of Legends
4 Things You'll Miss When He's Gone
100,00 Wild Hairs
Ada's Story: Becoming a Shadow
Writing a Book Was the Easy Part
Symptoms of Anxiety Attacks and Panic Attacks
The Night Bazaar: Delicious Dark Fantasy
Beware the Boston Dynamic Dogs
If I'm Being Honest
Co-authoring Cats
How to Catch a Shooting Star
Would you rather be rich or safe?
I Was Supposed to Land on the Moon; Now I'm Headed to Interstellar Space
Does this Nomadic Lifestyle Influence Your Writing Process?
Teen Storytelling Workshop: Create Awesome Characters, Make Friends, Learn to Write
Are You Still a Good Person if You Must Do Bad Things to Survive?
Beginnings: At Age16, Tara Allred's Intrigue in Mental Health Inspired a Career as an Author
Resilience: An LGBTQ+ Teen Author's Memoir about Their Struggle with Harm OCD